We’re here for the kids.

Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of teeth! With two years of additional residency training, pediatric dental specialists are educated on the dental needs of infants, children, and patients with special health care needs.

We strive to meet every child where they are, and we know that some patients have very specific needs. If your child could benefit from any special accommodations to make their dental visit a positive experience, please call before your appointment so we can be ready to serve you.  

We offer a private entrance and exit for patients who may have difficulty passing through our lobby and desensitization visits for patients with sensory processing or developmental disabilities. We tailor each visit to the needs of every child.

Your Child’s Dental Home

At Aurora Pediatric Dentistry, we have a special interest in the growth and development of your child, and we strive to treat every child appropriately for their age. From patients with dental fear and anxiety to patients with medical complexities, we are specialty trained to meet your child’s needs.